Raze Hints and Tips
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Raze Game Guide

Raze is a fast-paced action game, combining elements of the shooter along with those of a platformer. You control a character in a deathmatch-style battle with multiple opponents - can you win?
Raze has a very good tutorial, available through the campaign mode - it's a great way to become familiar with controls and gameplay.
When playing Raze you will be using both they keyboard (to control movement) as well as the mouse to control the direction in which your character fires his weapon. The number keys are used to choose different weapons picked up during play. Q and E, or Enter and Shift allow you to quickly switch through the weapons available.

- Raze is a frenetic, fast-paced game - there's not a lot of time to think! So play a lot to get a feel for the controls, the actions of your enemies, etc.
- Experiment with different uses for the weapons - each has its strengths and weakenesses.
- Learn where the different power-ups are on each map.
- Aim for the head!